Snowcast is an Internet Radio Broadcasting Station designed by CSCI1680 stuff in Brown University for students to implement socket programming, systems programming and building concurrent applications from scratch.
Distributed MapReduce System
This MapReduce system from mit6.824 is similar to the MapReduce paper, which includes a worker process that calls application Map and Reduce functions and handles reading and writing files, and a coordinator process that hands out tasks to workers and copes with failed workers.
Sharded Fault-Tolerance KVStore
To achieve fault-tolerant, we need to implement Raft, a replicated state machine protocol. Based on it, a fault-tolerant key/value storage system is built. Then service is "sharded" over multiple replicated state machines for higher performance.
Style transfer of image and video
Based on CycleGAN, I train a new model that can convert image into manga style and transfer style of video by cutting it into a sequence of images.